Deegan Inn of Court

Riverside, CA

Board Elections for the 2020-2021 Program Year

There is one open position as a member-at-large of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court. Elections are ongoing and the candidates are:

  • Erica Alfaro of State Compensation Insurance Fund

  • Megan Demshki of Aitken Aitken Cohn

  • Joshlynn Pulliam of the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office

  • Dawn Saenz of The Law Offices of Dawn Saenz

Elections will be conducted virtually and every member of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court for the 2019-2020 Program Year should receive their ballot this week.

Stay tuned for results!

Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic results in cancellation of March - June meetings

The March to June meetings of the 2019-2020 program year of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court has been cancelled, due due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and resulting orders made by the State of California (stay-at-home) and the orders of the Riverside County Public Health Officer (stay-at-home and ban on gatherings).

Please check your emails for further information.

Chambers Chat—Civil Law

On February 26, 2020, during the lunch hour, in Department 7 of Riverside Superior Court, Hon. Randall Stamen, together with Hon. Irma Asberry, Hon. Chad Firetag, and Hon Carol Green, hosted a chambers chat dedicated to the discussion of civil law matters.  This was the third of four scheduled chambers chats planned for the Inn’s 2019-2020 program year.


February 19, 2020 Joint Meeting

On February 19, 2020, the Southwest American Inn of Court (Southwestern Riverside County) hosted the Joint Meeting of the four Inland Empire Chapters of the American Inn of Court.  Members of the Leo A. Deegan American Inn of Court (Riverside), Warren Slaughter-Richard Roemer American Inn of Court (Desert), and the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court (San Bernardino) are the other three Inland Empire Chapters. The keynote speaker was James B. Judd, a storyteller, comedian, and lawyer. The meeting took place at the Wilson Creek Winery in Temecula, California.

Chambers Chat--Family Law

On January 15, 2020, during the lunch hour, in Department 401 of Riverside Superior Court’s Family Law Court, Hon. Jennifer Gerard, Hon. Dorothy McLaughlin, and Hon. Belinda Handy hosted a chambers chat dedicated to the discussion of family law matters. This was the second of four scheduled chambers chats planned for the Inn’s 2019-2020 program year.

December 4, 2019 Dinner Meeting

As part of the Achieving Excellence program, the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court invited government (public service) attorneys in Riverside County to its December 4, 2019 program meeting. Our distinguished guests included:

  • John Aki, Chief Assistant District Attorney, Riverside County;

  • Gary Guess, City of Riverside City Attorney;

  • Steve Harmon, Riverside County Public Defender

  • Angela Viramontes, Branch Chief, Eastern Division, Office of the Federal Public Defender, Central District of California; and

  • Jerry Yang, Deputy Chief of the Riverside U.S. Attorney’s Ofifce.

Also at this meeting, Caryn Worcester, Director of Chapter Relations for the Western Region of the American Inns of Court, presented L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court for the 2018-2019 Program Year, with the Inn’s Platinum Certificate and commemorative lapel pins.

Platinum Status recognizes “outstanding efforts in effective administration, communications, program development, mentoring, community outreach, and participation in the American Inns of Court movement.” Congratulations to the Board and all our members for the 2018-2019 program year!

Platinum 2018-2019.jpg

Each member of the 2018-2019 Board of Directors received a lapel pin.


Chambers Chat--Criminal Law

On November 14, 2019, during the lunch hour, in Department 53 of the Riverside Hall of Justice, Hon. Eric A. Keen hosted a chambers chat dedicated to discussing the various criminal law calendars of the Riverside Superior Court. Judge Keen was joined by Hon. Godofredo Magno, Hon. Jackqueline C. Jackson, Hon. Steven G. Counelis, and Hon. Emma C. Smith. This was the first of four chambers chats planned for the Inn’s 2019-2020 program year.

Celebration of Excellence 2019



On Saturday, October 29, 2019, the American Inn of Court’s Celebration of Excellence was held at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).  In attendance at the prestigious event were the winners of the Professionalism Awards, Warren E. Burger Prize, Sandra Day O’ Connor Award, A. Sherman Christensen Award, Lewis E. Powell Jr. Award, as well as representatives from the 178 chapters of the American Inns of Court which achieved Platinum Status for the 2018-2019 program year.

The event began with a cocktail hour in the East and West Conference Rooms of the SCOTUS.  Passed hors d’oeuvres of potato samosa, wild mushroom tart, lobster salad cone, crab and corn fritter, and other small bites were provided, although this author did not see or taste two of the hors d’oeuvres.  At approximately 6 p.m., the guests were led into the courtroom where hearings are held for the awards presentation.  Unfortunately, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch was unable to attend the event due to a family emergency.

Following the awards presentation, dinner was served.  Attendees dined on roasted pumpkin soup, seared beef tenderloin filet, seared halibut filet, whipped potato puree, and hazelnut praline mousse cake.  Red and white wines were also served.



October 26, 2019 - The Supreme Court of the United States, at night.

October 26, 2019 - The Supreme Court of the United States, at night.

A copy of the program may be downloaded here.

Judicial Master Hon. Irma Poole Asberry to be Honored with Saint Thomas More Award

The entire legal community and persons of all faiths are invited to attend the 29th Annual Red Mass on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. The mass will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, which is located at 12704 Foothill Boulevard in Rancho Cucamonga.

At the dinner reception following the mass, the Red Mass Steering Committee will present the Saint Thomas More Award to the Honorable Irma Poole Asberry. The Saint Thomas More Award is given to a lawyer or judge who gives hope to those in need, is kind and generous in spirit, and is an overall exemplary human being.

The Honorable Irma Poole Asberry has been a Judicial Master with the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court since the 2016-2017 program year.

Congratulations Judge Asberry!

Changes in the Board Members for the 2019-2020 Program Year

On July 7, 2019, the Hon. Bambi Moyer, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court for the 2019-2020 program year resigned. Per the bylaws, the President-Elect assumed office as President and the Vice President assumed office as President-Elect.

At the July 8, 2019 board meeting, the Board appointed Abram Feuerstein as the Vice President, Hon. Jennifer Gerard as the Secretary-Treasurer, Stefanie Field as the Financial Secretary and Hon. Randall Stamen as member-at-large.

The 2019-2020 Board Members are as follows:

President:  Sophia Choi

President-Elect:  Hon. Eric Keen

Vice President:  Abram Feuerstein

Secretary-Treasurer: Hon. Jennifer Gerard 

Financial Secretary:  Stefanie Field

Members-At-Large:  Hon. Randall Stamen, Gabriel White, Kiki Manti Engel

Past President:  L. Alexandra Fong

2019-2020 Board Members Take Office

On July 1, 2019, the 2019-2020 Board Members of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court officially took office. The Board is as follows:

President:  Hon. Bambi Moyer

President-Elect:  Sophia Choi

Vice President: Hon. Eric Keen

Secretary-Treasurer:  Abram Feuerstein

Financial Secretary:  Hon. Jennifer Gerard

Members-At-Large:  Stefanie Field, Gabriel White, Kiki Manti Engel

Past President:  L. Alexandra Fong

May 22, 2019 Dinner Meeting and Announcements

At the final meeting of the 2018-2019 Program Year, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court, L. Alexandra Fong, welcomed the members and introduced special guests as follows:

  • Caryn Worcester, Director of Chapter Relations for the Western Region of the American Inns of Court;

  • Brian Unitt of Holstein of Taylor & Unitt

Ms. Fong announced the recipient of the Terry Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award. The Terry D. Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award honors an attorney for his or her professional accomplishments and contributions to the legal community. The criteria for being nominated for this award is as follows: 

  • The attorney exemplifies and demonstrates exceptional and superior legal and professional skills and conduct. 

  • The attorney participates in programs improving the legal profession and system of justice. 

  • The attorney gives back to the community-at-large.

The recipient of the award for the 2018-2019 program year is Brian Unitt of Holstein, Taylor & Unitt. Brian is the chair of the Project Graduate Steering Committee, which helps foster children graduate from high school with a plan for the future. After accepting the award, Brian made a few remarks.

Brian Unitt, recipient of the 2018-2019 Terry Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award, and L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court.

Brian Unitt, recipient of the 2018-2019 Terry Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award, and L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court.

The members were reminded that elections for the three (3) open attorney positions on the 2019-2020 Board of Directors was open. Four candidates - Kiki Manti Engel, Stefanie Field, Diana Renteria, and Gabriel White - spoke about why they wanted to be members of the Board of Directors.

After the Community Service Team presented on the projects they were involved with during the 2018-2019 program year, Ms. Fong made additional announcements.

The recipients of the Louise Biddle Book Award were named. The Biddle Book Award is given to an outstanding attorney who exemplifies the goals of the Inn and for her professionalism and dedication to the legal community. The award is in memory of Louise Biddle, former executive director of the Inn and the Riverside County Bar Association. 

Laurie Burns (Juvenile Defense Panel - Riverside) and Goushia Farook (Law Offices of Shauna M. Albright) were chosen by the Board of Directors to be the recipients of the Louise Biddle Book Award for the 2018-2019 program year. Each attorney received a copy of Justice in Plain Sight: How A Small Town Newspaper and Its Unlikely Lawyer Opened America’s Courtrooms. The book was autographed by author Dan Bernstein, editor Mel Opotowsky, and their “unlikely lawyer” Justice James Ward (Ret.).

Cover of the Book

Cover of the Book

Goushia Farook, Laurie Burns, and L. Alexandra Fong (L-R)

Goushia Farook, Laurie Burns, and L. Alexandra Fong (L-R)

Election Winners: The newest members of the Board of Directors are: Kiki Manti Engel, Stefanie Field, and Gabriel White. Congratulations!

Hon. Bambi Moyer, President-Elect of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court, presented Ms. Fong with an award for her service to the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court.

Hon. Bambi Moyer, President-Elect, and L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court for the 2018-2019 Program Year.

Hon. Bambi Moyer, President-Elect, and L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court for the 2018-2019 Program Year.

May 22, 2019 Presentation

Team Louis Auchincloss presented its program on the Community Service projects the team did during the 2018-2019 program year. The team consists of Hon. Dorothy McLaughlin (Judicial Master), Hon. Jennifer Gerard (Judicial Master), Robyn Lewis (Attorney Master), Elisabeth Lord (Attorney Master), Erica Alfaro (Associate), Aaron Chandler (Associate), Megan Demshki (Associate), Goushia Farook (Associate), Andrew Salera (Associate), Ruthann Salera (Associate), and Taylor Warner (Associate).

Community Service projects included participating in educational programs with local schools to include topics on bullying and sexting, taking a tour of various courthouses in Riverside, “Clean Up Riverside” in May 2019, and Youth Court. Guest presenters from the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office and Riverside County Probation Department discussed Youth Court in detail. Members are encouraged to sign up to volunteer with Youth Court, which meets once a month on Wednesday evenings.


The Riverside Youth Court partnership includes the Riverside Youth Council, Office of the Mayor, Riverside Police Department, (the administrating agency), Riverside County Juvenile Court, Riverside County Probation Department, Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, Riverside County Public Defender’s Office, Riverside Unified School District, Alvord Unified School District, Riverside County Bar Association, and the Greater Riverside Chamber of Commerce.

After the presentation, the members of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court cast their vote regarding the program to determine whether it would win Best Team Presentation. Good luck Team Louis Auchincloss!

Project Graduate Fundraiser on May 10, 2019

Riverside County Bar Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”), a 501(c)(3) corporation and charitable arm of Riverside County Bar Association (“RCBA”) is holding a fundraiser on Friday, May 10, 2019.

Members of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court are also members of RCBA and the Foundation. Several of its members are involved with Project Graduate.

Details are in the flyer.

Spring Fling Poster and Tickets.jpg

Riverside County Bar Association Barristers honors Hon. Jackson Lucky IV and Robyn Lewis

Riverside County Bar Association (RCBA) Barristers honors former Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court Judicial Master and Past President (2013-2014) Hon. Jackson “Jack” Lucky IV and current Leo. A. Deegan Inn of Court Attorney Master and Past President (2012-2013) Robyn Lewis at their Judicial Reception on May 2, 2019. Details are contained within the attached flyer.

you re invited (3)-page-001.jpg

March 27, 2019 MCLE

Team Washington Irving discussed Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs in its presentation. The team members are Judicial Master Irma Asberry, Attorney Master Marlene Allen, Barrister Sylvia Choi, Barrister Chris Heikaus Weaver, and Associate Gareit Newstrom. Special guest John Boyd also presented with the team.

The program began with a short clip, showing the story a version of Jack and the Beanstalk (there are multiple versions.)

Judge Asberry moderated the program, which focused on ethics, civility and professionalism when dealing with several scenarios involving the named partner of the firm (Mr. Ogre, portrayed by Mr. Boyd) who was sexually harassing young associates and experiencing dementia. Additional scenarios presented were Jack, a longtime associate of the firm, leaving to start his own firm, taking clients with him, and settling their cases without consent, as well as the Golden Hen padding her billing.

The program was presented in the style of the game show “Family Feud.”


Each team member portrayed characters within Jack and the Beanstalk, complete with a costume for the golden hen.

The Golden Hen

The Golden Hen

Audience members participated in answering questions in the final round of “Family Feud.”

After the presentation concluded, votes were cast as to how Team Washington Irving ranked for its presentation on Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs. Results of the votes will be announced at the September 2019 Meeting of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court.

March 27, 2019 Dinner Meeting and Announcements

On March 27, 2019, the fourth meeting of the Leo A. Deegan American Inn of Court was held. President L. Alexandra Fong welcomed the members and also introduced the guests of Inn members who were interested in learning more about the Inn. These guests were as follows:

  • John Boyd, guest of Hon. Irma Asberry and Team Washington Irving

  • Kamola Gray, guest of Goushia Farook

Ms. Fong made the following announcements to the membership:

  • Nominations are being sought for the Terry Bridges Outstanding Attorney Award. Please submit your nomination by April 15, 2019 to Sherri Gomez and the President of the Deegan Inn;

  • A vacancy will exist for an attorney Board member position. Please submit your interest by May 15, 2019 to Sherri Gomez and the President of the Deegan Inn;

  • The April 24, 2019 Meeting will be our Inn’s final “Theme Night.” At this meeting, as part of the Inn’s professional outreach, Emeritus, Honorary Members and Alumni will be honored.

  • Project Graduate is holding its Spring Fling fundraiser and seeking sponsors and attendees. Details are on the flyer on the back table.

Team Washington Irving will be presenting on Jack and the Beanstalk.

March 26, 2019 Joint Inn Meeting

On March 26, 2019, the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court (San Bernardino) hosted the Joint Meeting of the four (4) Inland Empire Chapters of the American Inn of Court. Members of the Leo A. Deegan American Inn of Court (Riverside), Warren Slaughter-Richard Roemer American Inn of Court (Desert), and Southwest American Inn of Court (Southwestern Riverside County) were present.

Those present on behalf of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court were as follows: L. Alexandra Fong (Atttorney Master and President), Abram Feuerstein (Attorney Master and Member-at-large of the Board of Directors), Hon. Bambi Moyer (Judicial Master and President-Elect), Hon. Randall Stamen (Judicial Master), Mary Anne Forrest (Attorney Master), Chris Heikaus Weaver (Barrister), Diana Renteria (Barrister), Mark Mellor (Barrister), Peter Mort (Emeritus), Jean-Simon Serrano (Barrister), and Gabriel White (Barrister).

Nick Hanna, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California is the featured speaker.

Nick Hanna, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California is the featured speaker.

(L-R) Joseph Widman (Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California and President-Elect of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court). Hon. Antoine “Tony” Raphael (San Bernardino Superior Court Judge), and Abram Feuerste…

(L-R) Joseph Widman (Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California and President-Elect of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court). Hon. Antoine “Tony” Raphael (San Bernardino Superior Court Judge), and Abram Feuerstein (Assistant U.S. Trustee for the Region 16 of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California and Member-at-large of the Leo A. Deegan American Inn of Court).

(L-R) Joseph Widman (Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California and President-Elect of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court). Hon. Antoine “Tony” Raphael (San Bernardino Superior Court Judge), and L. Alexandra F…

(L-R) Joseph Widman (Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California and President-Elect of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court). Hon. Antoine “Tony” Raphael (San Bernardino Superior Court Judge), and L. Alexandra Fong, President of the Leo A. Deegan American Inn of Court

Nick Hanna, United States Attorney for the Central District of California, was the featured speaker. He opened his speech with jokes about the college admission scandal and arresting “Aunt Becky” from “Full House.”

Nick Hanna, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California

Nick Hanna, U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California

Mr. Hanna spoke about the history of the Central District of California and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in this district. The Eastern Division of the district is larger than all other divisions combined and accounts for 25% of the population. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California is the second largest office in the country, only behind Washington DC.

His priorities as U.S. Attorney include increasing the footprint of the Inland Empire by hiring new Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the Riverside branch office and increase filings in the region, hoping to spark an increase of U.S. District judges for this area. The Eastern Division of the Central District of California only has one full time U.S. District Judge so many of the cases are being heard in Santa Ana and Los Angeles, creating a hardship for witnesses.

Mr. Hanna spoke about two programs which he is focused on: Operation Safe Neighborhoods, to combat gun crimes, and Operation Hypocritical Oath, to combat the opioid crisis by locking up “dirty doctors” and shutting down “crooked pharmacies.”

As U.S. Attorney, he created the National Security Division for the district, which started operations approximately two months prior to the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino.

After his speech, Mr. Hanna answered questions from the audience, moderated by Jack Osborn, past president of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court. These questions related to the prosecution of crimes relating to marijuana usage (still an illegal substance under federal law), the office’s autonomy, the names of his operations (created by law enforcement), and other priorities.

(L-R) David Collela (President of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court), Jack Osborn (Past President of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court), Nick Hanna (U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California), and…

(L-R) David Collela (President of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court), Jack Osborn (Past President of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court), Nick Hanna (U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California), and Joseph Widman (Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California and President-Elect of the Honorable Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court)