Deegan Inn of Court

Riverside, CA

February 24, 2021 Meeting

On the evening of February 24, 2021, Team Bit-O-Honey presented on the movie “The Judge” (2014) starring Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jeremy Strong, Dax Shepard and Billy Bob Thornton. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted virtually, via Zoom.

Prior to the presentation, Team Bit O’Honey shipped out bumper stickers with the phrase “99% of Bad Lawyers Give the Rest A Bad Name” and Bit-O-Honey candy snacks to Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court members.


Team Bit-O-Honey is comprised of Abram Feuerstein (USTP), Marlene Allen Murray, Wendy Seto, Kristen Holstrom, Kelly Moran, Gabriel White, Eric Oh, and Malvina Ovanezova.

Attorney Master Abram Feuerstein (USTP) introduces the members of Team Bit-O-Honey to the Inn members.

Clips of various scenes from “The Judge” are shown and ethical dilemmas are shown during the presentation..

Team Bit-O-Honey presentation began with a brief summary of the movie by Attorney Master Wendy Seto. The audience is introduced to attorney C.P. Kennedy (portrayed by Dax Shepard), who also dabbles in antiquities.

Barrister Gabriel White presented on the ethical topic of “Fitness as a Judge or Lawyer“ and referenced the California Rules of Professional Conduct, the California Code of Judicial Ethics, and the American Bar Association Model Rules.

Attorney Master Marlene Allen Murray presented on the topic of “Voir Dire” (Jury Selection) and discussed the ethics related to this important procedure.

Barrister Kelly Moran and Associate Malvina Ovanezova presented on the topic of “Relationships with Opposing Counsel.” They discussed attorneys’ professional obligations under the California Rules of Professional Conduct and also provided other resources on civility.

Barrister Kristen Holstrom and Associate Erik Oh presented on the topic of “Relationships with Clients.” They discussed attorneys’ professional obligations under the California Rules of Professional Conduct as well as how to deal with difficult clients.

Attorney Master Abram Feuerstein (USTP) discussed the satisfaction of one’s legal career and hobbies that attorneys could undertake in their spare time (painting, learning a foreign language, and reading).

At the conclusion of the presentation, Inn members were invited to score the presentation, from a ranking of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). The team and winning presentation will be announced at the May 2021 meeting.