Deegan Inn of Court

Riverside, CA

January 27, 2021 Meeting

On January 27, 2021, Team Undeniably Amazing Feldman and Fućík presented on “The Movie Denial and Ethical Boundaries.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted virtually, via Zoom.

The team drew inspiration from the movie “Denial” (2016), a biographical film based upon Deborah Lipstadt's book History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier (2005), where Ms. Lipstadt, a Holocaust scholar, was sued for libel by David Irving, a Holocaust denier. The movie stars Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Spall, Andrew Scott, Jack Lowden, Caren Pistorius and Alex Jennings.


Team Undeniably Amazing Feldman and Fućík is comprised of Hon. Irma Asberry, Angela Viramontes, Aaron Chandler, Sophia Choi, Kamola Gray, Kristine Borgia, Megan Demshki, Goushia Farook, and Michelanne Hrubic.

The team introduced an English barrister, who explained the differences between British and American legal professionals. The English barrister also explained the differences between a solicitor and a barrister and displayed the wigs that a barrister has to wear in court.

The team discussed the differences in American and British law, with respect to libel, as the burden of proof is on the defense to prove that the claims and statements are substantially true.

The team also discussed the ethical duties of an attorney, including confidential communications with a client and compensation from one other than a client. This discussion included whether the client should testify at trial.

During each segment of presentation, the audience (Inn of Court members) were invited to answer questions by texting a number with their answers. The responses showed up during the presentation. The audience was also invited to play BINGO with various key words displayed on the BINGO board. Two lucky winners received Riverside County Bar Association lapel pins.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Inn members were invited to score the presentation, from a ranking of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). The team and winning presentation will be announced at the May 2021 meeting.