September 28, 2022 Orientation
On September 28, 2022, the orientation meeting of the Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court’s 2021-2022 program year was held at the John Gabbert Gallery of the Riverside County Bar Association Building. President Hon. Jennifer “Jen” Gerard welcomed new members to the Inn and gave them a brief history of the Inn during the New Member Orientation.
The general orientation meeting was held. President Gerard regaled the members with his acerbic wit and humor. All members were introduced to the Board members for the 2022-2023 program year.
Former Inn President and Emeritus member, the Hon. Carol Codrington (2015-2016) provided the audience with a brief history of the Inn.
President Gerard announced the winning team presentation for the 2021-2022 program year. Congratulations to Team Jackie Robinson, whose team members are L. Alexandra Fong (Attorney Master), Richard Majchzrak (Attorney Master), Mary Reyna (Attorney Master), Jean-Simon Serrano (Barrister), Gabriel White (Barrister), Keith Fredric Willis (Barrister), Erica Alfaro (Associate) and Dawn Saenz (Associate). Ms. Fong, an Emeritus member, was on hand to accept the trophy and thank the members of her team.
Trophy name plaque identifying award winners.
President Gerard announced the theme for the 2022-2023 program year: Music and the Law. Teams are given wide latitude to pick their team name and title of their presentation, but must provide it to the Board by October 20, 2022. President Gerard called on each Master of the Bench (Judicial Master) to choose presentation dates. The following dates were chosen:
October 26, 2022: Team led by Hon. Eric Keen;
December 7, 2022: Team led by Hon. Irma Asberry;
January 24, 2023: Team led by Hon. John Vineyard;
March 22, 2023: Team led by Hon. Mona Nemat;
April 26, 2023: Team led by Hon. Joshlyn Pulliam and Hon. Carol Greene;
May 24, 2023: Community Service Team led by Hon. Randall Stamen.
Various “records” were on the tables.
President Gerard reminded the members that team presentations are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month and that February was reserved for a Joint Inn meeting with the other Inland Empire chapters of the American Inns of Court.
The meeting concluded shortly thereafter with each team gathering to discuss potential team names and titles.