May 24, 2023 Dinner Meeting and Team Presentation
President Hon. Jennifer “Jen” Gerard began the meeting by welcoming all Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court (Deegan Inn) members to the meeting, which was held indoors at the Canyon Crest Country Club. Judge Gerard introduced our esteemed guest, Minh Tran, County Counsel for the County of Riverside and provided a brief biography of Minh.
Minh Tran, County Counsel
Judge Gerard announced the winners of the Biddle Book Award, Malvina Ovanezova of Schwartz, Godbey & Ovanezova and Danielle Linker of Bratton and Razo. In a surprise twist, both are family law attorneys! Each attorney received the book “The Happy Lawyer: Making a Good Life in the Law” by Nancy Levitt.
Danielle Linker and Malvina Ovanezova (L-R).
Judge Gerard reminded Inn members that Board elections were ongoing and introduced each of the five candidates for the two open attorney Board positions. Ballots were placed on each table for Inn members to vote for two candidates so that the winners could be announced at the end of the meeting.
After announcements, the team presentation began. Team Dolly Parton is comprised of Hon. Randall Stamen (Judicial Master), Mary Reyna (Attorney Master), Diana Renteria (Attorney Master), Matthew Kraus (Barrister), Dani Mouri (Barrister), Kimberly Prendergast (Barrister), Michelanne Hrubic (Associate), and Dawn Saenz (Associate).
Each member of Team Dolly Parton introduced themselves and provided a fun fact about him/her self.
The presentation began with Attorney Master Mary Reyna providing a biography of their team namesake.
Individual members of the team introduced various community service projects that the team participated in throughout the program year and speakers from each of those projects, including Rebirth Homes, UCR Career Center, Reaching New Heights Foundation
Sergeant Major Greg Coker (Reaching New Heights Foundation), Tami Thacker (UC Riverside Veterans Resource Center), Isabela Lacsina, Michelle Gomez, Sean Gill (UC Riverside Career Center), Debbie Martis (Rebirth Homes) and Hon. Randall Stamen (L to R)
Mary spoke about a program that is close to her heart, Musicians On Call. Join her in raising $500 to sponsor a hospital room for one year that a musician visits weekly. Click here to donate. If every Inn member donates $10 to this organization, Mary’s goal will be reached!
Inn of Court members entered a free raffle to win a Ride-A-Long with a Riverside Police Department officer, donated generously by Chief Larry Gonzalez. At the end of the presentation, a winner was drawn. Congratulations Christopher Ortega!
Hon. Randall Stamen and Christopher Ortega
At the conclusion of the presentation, Deegan Inn members were invited to score the presentation from a ranking of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). The team and winning presentation will be announced at the September 2023 Orientation Meeting.
Judge Gerard advised Inn members that the winners of the Outstanding Jurist Award and Outstanding Attorney Award, which can be found on our website, will be announced at the September 2023 Orientation Meeting.
Judge Gerard announced the winners of the election for the two open attorney positions on the board as Past President Abram Feuerstein and Kiki Manti Engel will no longer be board members as of June 30, 2023. The winners are Maryann Briseno and Jeremy Roark. Congratulations to both of you!
Jeremy Roark, Board Member beginning with the 2023-2024 program year
President-Elect Stefanie Field thanked Hon. Jennifer Gerard for her service to the Inn and presented her with flowers and a plaque.
Hon. Jennifer Gerard and Stefanie Field
Stefanie advised Inn Members that Hon. Matthew Forsee accepted the open judicial position on the board and an announcement would be forthcoming for the second judicial position on the board within the next few months.
See you all in a few months!