Deegan Inn of Court

Riverside, CA

January 25, 2017 Meeting

Team Codrington gave a presentation on copyright infringement.  The presentation focused on 3 prominent cases; Thicke, Williams v. Estate of Marvin Gaye, Skidmore v. Plant, Harrington v. Sheeran.  Thicke, Williams involved the song Blurred Lines which has similarities to Gaye's Got to Give it Up.  Skidmore sued the Band Led Zepplin over similarities between Taurus and Stairway to Heaven.  Harrington sued Sheeran over similarities between Amazing and Sheeran's Photograph.

December 7, 2016 Meeting

Our December meeting featured a presentation from Team Asberry detailing the case of Bollea (Hulk Hogan) v. Gawker Media.  This case involved Gawker media releasing an explicit "sex tape" of Bollea and the wife of a friend.  Bollea's lawsuit was supported by Billionaire Peter Thiel.  Thiel had been the subject of earlier news from Gawker and he supported the suit because of his belief that Gawker ruins people's lives for no reason.  The suit ended up bankrupting Gawker.  The presentation highlighted several interesting issues in right of privacy, ethics, and sponsored litigation.  Team Asberry members included Judge Irma Asberry, Dorothy McLaughlin, John Michels, Wendi Seto, Dani Mouri, Trent Packer, Aaron Chandler, Kelly Moran, and Fredrick Whitley.

October 26, 2016 Meeting

Our October began on a bittersweet note.  The Inn presented Judge David T. Bristow with the Judge Douglas Weathers Award.  Judge Weathers passed away earlier in the week and the Inn had a moment of silence to honor his passing. 


The meeting featured Team Moyer's presentation of the Menendez Brothers trial.  The presentation highlighted the patient-psychotherapist privilege and special master search warrants.