President-Elect Stefanie Field began the meeting by welcoming all Leo A. Deegan Inn of Court (Deegan Inn) members to the meeting, which was held indoors at the Canyon Crest Country Club. Stefanie announced that the Board was accepting nominations for the Outstanding Jurist Award, and Outstanding Attorney Award. Prior winners can be found on our website.
After the announcements, Stefanie announced there are two attorney board positions open, as well as two judicial board positions available. If you are interested in the open position, please send an email to Sherri Gomez.
Stefanie introduced the presenting team, Team Queens, and the team’s co-judicial masters, Hon. Joshlyn Pulliam and Hon. Carol Greene. Hon. Pulliam and Hon. Greene introduced the team members: Attorney Master Dwayne Beck, Attorney Master Kristine Borgia, Attorney Master Diane Mar Wiesmann, Barrister Kamola Gray, Associate Erik Oh, Associate Christopher Ortega, Associate Malvina Ovanezova, and Associate Bryan Owens Sahagun.
Team Queens began their presentation with the introduction to the movie Wayne’s World featuring the song Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen.
Attorney Master Mar Wiesmann introduced the theme of the group presentation, Bias in the Music Industry. Freddie Mercury, Queen, and Elton John were introduced as the first musicians or groups to break the homophobic stigma of the music industry.